STOTT PILATES® Certification

STOTT PILATES® is a contemporary approach to the original exercise method pioneered by the late Joseph Pilates. It incorporates modern exercise principles, and applies proven and accepted practices in biomechanics, rehabilitation and athletic performance enhancement.

After realizing the benefits of the concepts of the original Pilates method, and in collaboration with a team of physical therapists/physiotherapists, sports medicine and exercise professionals the Co-Founders of Merrithew™, Moira and Lindsay Merrithew, dissected and re-connected this unique form of exercise into a comprehensive, systematic, contemporary approach to the original teachings.

STOTT PILATES® exercises are designed to restore the natural curves of the spine and rebalance the muscles around the joints. This involves placing more emphasis on pelvic and scapular stabilization, and on the integration of all the parts of the body into one. In addition, STOTT PILATES® introduces   preparatory exercises and modifications which make the method appropriate and applicable to all body types and fitness levels.

The STOTT PILATES® education method is unparalleled in the industry for its thoroughness and quality.

Enhance your knowledge and expertise and increase your client base with a contemporary, more anatomical approach to the original method created by Joseph Pilates. Students will be taught by experienced instructor trainers who provide mentoring throughout the education path. STOTT PILATES® training has often been called the “Ivy League” of Pilates education. It’s a reputation that we are proud of and a philosophy and method on which you can build a career.

STOTT PILATES® Certification at Pilates Movement Studio

Pilates Movement Studio is a beautiful, spacious studio fully equipped with state-of-the-art Merrithew™ equipment. High ceilings, two walls flanked by mirrors, and large windows create a welcoming and focused working environment within which to learn and experience the STOTT PILATES® repertoire! We are proud to be a hosting center for Merrithew™ Health & Fitness, bringing high-quality, cutting-edge instructor training to the Tampa Bay Area.